The serpent [the devil] is the enemy of the woman [Mother]
The Bible tells us that there is an enemy who tries to hinder us from acknowledging this truth of Elohim―God the Father and God the Mother, so that we cannot receive the blessing of eternal life. The enemy is the devil who tries to lead us into the way of death by preventing us from knowing God who gives us the water of life.
The Bible tells us that there is an enemy who tries to hinder us from acknowledging this truth of Elohim―God the Father and God the Mother, so that we cannot receive the blessing of eternal life. The enemy is the devil who tries to lead us into the way of death by preventing us from knowing God who gives us the water of life.
Ge 3:14-15 『So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."』
This prophecy was partially fulfilled through Jesus at His first coming. The devil is our enemy because he has become the enemy of Elohim―especially God our Mother.The serpent [the devil] is a perpetual enemy of the woman. The woman, our Mother, leads us into life, but the serpent [the devil] tries to lead us into death. From the beginning there was enmity between them, and to the very end of the age the enmity will continue. He constantly hinders the truth about Mother through various tricks. To prevent us from knowing Mother who gives us life, he denies the Biblical records of Elohim working together by every tricky word and scheme. Thus, he tries his utmost to swallow our souls and lead us into death. The more the devil hinders us, the more we should be alert and self-controlled, so that we may resist the devil with the correct knowledge of God.
Amen^^ God bless you~~
I give thanks to Father & Mother.
I want to follow the only heavenly mother!
I love U,heavenly Mother.
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